We often witness many marriages failing around us, leading us to blame the institution of marriage itself, labeling it as obsolete or outdated.
However, the reality is quite different. It's not the institution of marriage that is failing, but rather our lack of knowledge and education on how to create a successful and fulfilling marriage in these modern times, ultimately causing the collapse of the marriage institution.
Marriage counseling & coaching is a guidance program that helps couples recreate a happy, intimate, and fulfilling marriage by:
Providing a safe, non-judgmental space to express concerns, emotions, and thoughts.
Navigating the relationship away from unhealthy patterns or factors causing constant damage to the marriage.
Working together as a team to overcome impasses experienced by both partners.
Building a new vision of the marriage filled with love, care, intimacy, and warmth.
Taking responsibility for individual areas or issues to work upon, leading to transformation.
Research suggests that couples who seek counseling to address issues in their marriage often witness improvement, with 75 percent reporting positive changes in their relationship.
Understanding each other's needs and expectations is vital for happiness and fulfillment in marriage. Failure to comprehend or meet these needs can damage the foundation of the relationship. We assist you in understanding and effectively addressing each other's needs to foster feelings of love and connection.
Emotional connection relies on emotional deposits and withdrawals. We guide you in understanding the science behind emotional connection and the role of emotional intelligence. Effective strategies such as Love Maps and Love Languages help in processing, validating, and managing emotions, strengthening and deepening emotional bonds.
Sexual intimacy varies for each individual, with different turn-ons, turn-offs, and arousal triggers. Failure to understand these factors can lead to a loss of sexual intimacy. We help assess contributing factors and provide guidance on rekindling sexual intimacy.
Modern marriages often involve individuals with progressive mindsets, but conflicts may arise due to differences in family perspectives, beliefs, and expectations. Establishing respectful communication, values, and boundaries is essential to creating a healthy family system.
Infidelity causes deep emotional pain and trauma, often leading to physical symptoms. Research suggests that a significant percentage of marriages experience infidelity at some point. We provide support and guidance in navigating through the aftermath of infidelity, facilitating healing and reconciliation.
Contrary to common belief, disagreements and conflicts are normal in healthy marriages. Happy couples know how to manage conflicts effectively, minimizing emotional damage. We coach you on positive conflict management techniques, helping you navigate conflicts constructively and strengthen your relationship.
It is natural to experience anxiety and fears in our relationship. But if not addressed, it sucks the happiness out of a marriage and creates constant turbulence and unpleasantness. Learn how to cope with anxiety and fears to feel secure, calm & positive.
Let's talk about how we can help your marriage thrive.