One common goal shared by all 7.3 billion individuals on this planet is HAPPINESS. We all yearn to experience it. However, most of us have been conditioned to believe that Happiness is the outcome of crazy wealth, power, position and fame. And for that we must toil , suffer and sacrifice our present to reach that future destination. Unfortunately, this is not entirely true. These things do contribute to happiness, but only partially and superficially.
We surveyed hundreds of our clients to understand what makes them Happy, and the most common answers were Travel, Partying, Watching Content, Shopping, Food, Alcohol & Gaming . Here we have mistaken indulgence with Happiness.
However, there are problems with this form of Happiness:
Dependency on other people
Based on external events
Withdrawal symptoms once it fades away
Positive Psychology researchers and scholars define Happiness as our Holistic Wellbeing, our ability to cultivate a Positive state of mind where life mostly feels good—a state of sustainable Happiness.
Mostly dependent on self, not others
Long-term and sustainable
Not event-based
A cultivable skill
Less impact of highs & lows of life
Cultivating Positive Emotions
Discovering passions & hobbies for long-term engagement
Improving relationship quality for higher Fulfillment
Finding meaning & purpose in Life
Creating a growth journey with measurable milestones
Learning Self-Love & Self-Happiness
Enhancing our Self-Worth & Self-Image
Overcoming Fears
Program Details
Mode: Online & Offline (HappyBeing Centre)
Feeling less than your best? You’re not alone—reach out to us, we’re here to help.
Fill in your details, or WhatsApp or call +919818746494 – we'd love to guide you!